What We Do

Napa Valley Resiliency Services, a program of On The Move, responds to community needs resulting from wildfires, droughts, floods, Public Service Power Shutoffs (PSPS), Emergency Financial Assistance, and outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic. In collaboration with other nonprofits and a host of public/private funders, we stand ready to support the Napa Valley residents in addressing disaster recovery needs as they arise.

Developing diverse leaders & addressing critical inequities in underserved communities:

Working for over 17 years and expanding throughout the Bay Area, On The Move (OTM) has implemented programs and initiatives that have developed a generation of community leaders who reflect the diversity of the communities in which they live and work. OTM was founded in 2004 with a mission to develop and sustain young people as leaders by building exceptional programs that address the most pressing and critical inequities facing our communities. OTM has built community leader-led initiatives that explore approaches to closing the achievement gap, promoting wellness and inclusion, and reducing social and economic barriers and developing emerging leadership in the public sector, all while preparing local organizations to function effectively in a dynamic world and building connections to create healthy, lasting change. 

OTM has built a strong reputation for its innovative community engagement and youth engagement practices, collaborating with partners in rigorous systems change, and fostering communities that are inclusive and equitable. Each year, dozens of leaders from communities in California and across the nation visit OTM’s programs to learn how the organization engages families, youth, and neighbors in developing highly impactful programming.

Mobilizing disaster relief services during wildfires:

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In the wake of the 2017 Sonoma Napa Complex Fires, On The Move drew from its vast organizational capacity to swiftly and effectively develop a new program, train staff, recruit volunteers, connect with partners and set up an infrastructure for processing applications, tracking clients and distributing cash aid. As the disaster unfolded, distinct needs became more apparent, particularly for Napa’s low-income Latinx and Indigenous Speaking populations. 

Should another wildfire break out in OTM’s service area, funds provided through California Department of Social Services will be immediately available to support fire victims. This is a great achievement as it is the first state-level recognition of the special needs that vulnerable populations experience during a disaster.

Napa Valley Resiliency Services offers three tiers of assistance for fire victims: those experiencing economic hardship because of the fires; homeowners who experience a total loss of belongings and property; and renters who experience a total loss of belongings. Different levels of Emergency Financial Assistance are available to the different groups – all based on comprehensive assessment and intake processes. Funds are distributed to cover housing relocation costs, utilities and childcare costs, the purchase of basic supplies and, in some cases, first month’s rent for those families that were forced to permanently relocate. 

As trusted allies, Napa Valley Resiliency Services staff serve as liaisons for Latinx and Indigenous Speaking fire victims that would otherwise not engage in relief support. Staff coordinate workshops at familiar sites, remain persistent in their outreach for persons in need, establish a committed volunteer base of familiar individuals, and develop verification processes for those who worked in cash-economies who had a difficult time verifying income. 

OTM has worked with partner agency UpValley Family Centers to draft Lessons in Disaster Recoverya report that brings forward the lesser-known effects of the fires while documenting the disaster response activities in Napa County, assessing the effectiveness and limitations of these efforts, and distilling lessons that can be used to inform future disaster preparedness and planning locally and around the country.

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic:

Napa Valley Resiliency Services was reactivated in March 2019 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Within days of shelter in place orders, On The Move had mobilized staff to address immediate needs of the Latinx community. Within a week, in partnership with the Napa Valley Community Foundation, OTM had designed and launched a contact-free, comprehensive assessment and emergency financial assistance program targeting low income individuals that are not eligible for other governmental assistance. Napa County Resiliency Services’s bilingual case management support and distribution of cash assistance helps families in dire circumstances to deal with the emotional and financial burdens related to COVID-19. Staff fluent in both Spanish and a variety of indigenous languages worked to assess needs and reassure families of support available to them. Cash assistance helps families who lost wages/employment to cover basic daily needs, past due rent and utility bills, costs incurred during isolation, and medical health services.

Napa County Resiliency Services staff have applied their expertise in outreach and engagement, case management, coaching, and resource and referral to meet the needs of hundreds of Napa County residents by also assisting families to navigate enrollment in unemployment, food, and emergency healthcare programs and coordinating the receipt and distributions of essentials including food, water, and wellness supplies. Throughout this intensive work, staff also screen parents for signs of anxiety and depression and ensure that families have accurate information about benefit eligibility, immigration, and housing rights. Staff and parent leaders are also working to provide guidance and support to parents in accessing and using devices at home to allow for distance learning; working in partnership with classroom teachers to provide guidance to parents; offering social and emotional support; and continuing to engage parents to ensure ongoing social connections. 

As of July 17, 2020, Napa Valley Resiliency Services has prescreened 2,315 families and processed financial support applications for 718 families, distributing $901,500 in emergency financial assistance with an average of $1,250 provided to each family. Additionally, OTM is working closely with Napa County Public Health to receive referrals of COVID+ cases based on established eligibility requirements that have been shared with the County. A special program has been established for these families which includes multiple months of financial support, comprehensive support to effectively isolate and quarantine, and voluntary enrollment into OTM’s SparkPoint Financial Support program that assists families in eliminating debt and building assets. At the request of the Napa Valley Community Foundation, OTM has also established a specialized support program to provide financial aid for farmworkers that have tested positive for COVID-19, been exposed to COVID-19, and/or need to self-isolate.

In collaboration with the California Department of Public Health, On The Move is utilizing its strong and culturally-diverse network to provide grassroots outreach and distribute critical information about COVID-19 vaccines to the populations most affected by the pandemic, and provide Napa County residents with COVID-19 vaccine registration support.

Providing case management for emerging and ongoing relief efforts:

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On The Move remains prepared to collaborate with local entities to assist Napa County residents in the event of wildfires, droughts, floods, Public Service Power Shutoffs (PSPS), and other arising issues that require case management and the distribution of disaster recovery services and aid.

OTM has been recognized across the state for its speed, attention, and culturally-responsive disaster response, and has supported multiple other communities plagued by disasters, including Butte County and Ventura County. The developed capacity is meant to be shared with other organizations working to address the immediate and basic needs of vulnerable populations. Many of OTM's systems were recently identified as best practices as outlined in Bay Area Undocumented Cash Relief Network.